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To Give is to Receive: National Give Something Away Day

“The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward.”

Carol Ryrie Brink, Caddie Woodlawn's Family

According the Giving USA, giving has risen in all major categories:



Human Resources

Giving to Foundations

Health, Public -Society Benefit


When we give to others, it benefits everyone. Giving not only makes us feel good, but it teaches compassion and kindness. There are many simple ways to give. Words of encouragement can be a gift, showing empathy, encouragement and compassion to someone during their time of need, lifts them up as well as empowers them.

“National Give Something Away Day" was created to provide people and communities the opportunity to share blessings without expectations or limitations.'' In 2015, Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher announced the day to help all those less fortunate.

Ways to Give

Donate to a shelter

Donate to a local food pantry

Drop off water to the homeless

Donate blood

How to Observe National Give Something Away Day

Buy a Meal: Invite someone to your home or to a restaurant

Donate Clothing: Donate used clothes or toys to a shelter or Goodwill

Give Flowers : To brighten someone’s day

Written and Submitted by GSS Agent#3013

Works Cited:

National Day

Believe Out

National Days


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