National Cheer Up The Lonely Day
National Cheer Up The Lonely Day : To spread awareness about the adverse and long-term effects of loneliness. While it is celebrated today in the US, other countries have also started to observe the day.
Today is a unique day but an important one. Every year, on July 11th, people across the US make a special effort to give someone a lift on "National Cheer up The Lonely Day. " We all get lonely from time to time, but the comfort given in those times can ease the sadness.

Francis Peseak of Detroit , Michigan created this day. The idea was to promote kindness toward people who were lonely or forgotten and to use this day to say Thank You to those who reached out to us when we were dealing with troubles.
Facts about Loneliness
Loneliness affects any age group and people from all walks of life. It can be harmful to the mental, physical, and social health of those suffering from it.
According to research, nearly 60% of married people in the country of America feel lonely.
Loneliness is not very uncommon. Studies indicate that more than 40% of people across the world suffer from loneliness at least at some point of time in their lives.
Loneliness need not refer to you being alone, by yourself. People feel lonely even in the crowd and it could be an all-consuming feeling affecting the daily quality of life.

Reasons to Observe "National Cheer up The Lonely Day"
This is a day to remind us of the need for community, staying together and to reach out to others. Today doesn’t need any grand celebrations. We can spread happiness simply by being around friends and family, celebrating togetherness, friendship, and doing a good deed for someone.

Ways to Observe "National Cheer up The Lonely Day"
-Volunteer your time to work with the elderly in a nursing home or an assisted living facility.
- Watch an uplifting movie with a friend/family and share some freshly popped popcorn.
- Set up a playlist with inspirational music.
- Bring awareness and light on mental health and loneliness.

"The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness." Norman Cousins
Written and Submitted by GSS Agent#3013
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