“I'd rather be standing here with you than out there without you.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash
The United Nations' (UN) International Human Solidarity Day is annually held on December 20 to honor and celebrate unity in diversity. " It also aims to remind people the importance of solidarity, eradicating poverty and to promote people's awareness and the importance of human solidarity.

Ways to participate on International Human Solidarity Day
Donate to a relief organization that helps lift people out of poverty.
Donate to a Homeless or Women's Shelter.
Find like-minded people in your community who also want to help those in need.

What does Solidarity Actually Mean?
"Solidarity refers to a union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group. In the Millennium Declaration world leaders agreed that solidarity was a value that was important to international relations in the 21st century." The UN was founded on the mindset of unity and harmony for world peace and security.

More ways to participate in International Human Solidarity Day:
Making health and medication accessible to those in need.
Achieving universal education.
Fighting against poverty, corruption and terrorism.

International Human Solidarity Day is:
a day to celebrate our unity in diversity and to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements.
a day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity and a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.
" May the spirit of solidarity fill your heart with joy and purpose on this International Human Solidarity Day. Together, we can make the world a more compassionate place for all. "
Written and Submitted by GSSAgent#3013
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