Last month’s secret missions focus on our friends or BFFs. This month’s secret missions focus is the very opposite of last month. The March secret mission focus is our enemies or frenemies, those haters in our lives, the people that have caused us pain. But why would we want to do anything nice for these people?

Because God commands us to! In Luke 6:27 he tells us to “love our enemies, do good to those that hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who abuse you.” In doing so we demonstrate that as children of God, we are able to live above the fray, release bitterness and unforgiveness and receive God’s peace in our lives. It also allows God to defend us and bring justice to our circumstances, while working in the lives of our enemies to move them towards peace and repentance.

Romans 12:21 says we overcome evil by doing good. When we do good to our enemies and pray for them, we are responding in the opposite manner of what most people would do. Matthew 5: 46 indicate that anyone can love people that love them. That doesn’t take much effort or character. When we treat our enemy well we display that God is at work in our lives building godliness, character, integrity and the fruit of the spirit.
Luke 6:35, tells us to “love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.”

By treating our enemies well and praying for them, GSS Agents demonstrate that we have the character of Christ, are being transformed into His image and are harnessing the power of God to defeat our enemies. Our obedience to God in this area will change the lives of others and cause God to bless us beyond measure. So put on the armor of Christ GSS Agents by praying and summoning the courage of the warrior within you to get out there and secretly bless our enemies this month. You may not see the impact, but trust that God will work to positively change both your heart and theirs.
Below are a few ways to secretly show your enemies some love this month:
Secretly send flowers to a treat to someone who you know has made disparaging remarks about you
Pray for someone who has offended you.
When everyone around you is gossiping about someone you don’t like, be the first one to say something kind about the person.
Send someone who has hurt you an anonymous note telling them you have forgiven them, as Christ has forgiven you.
Anonymously send /leave $20.00 for an enemy to buy dinner.
