As we celebrate the season that focuses our attention on the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are reminded that Jesus came to earth to live among us as humans, died for our salvation and has provided us with many gifts including peace, mercy, grace, forgiveness, self worth and most of all the amazing gift of his love! GSS Agents, let’s celebrate Christ this season, by focusing some of our secret missions and gifts on Christ…who is the reason for the season!

The wise men brought him gifts.
“They bowed down and worshiped him. They opened their gifts and gave him treasures of
gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11 NCV)
But let’s be honest, what do you give to Christ who has everything? What he wants is our love, our time, our devotion, our obedience, our sacrifice of praise and to see us represent Him well by doing good deeds to help others. Another thing that Christ wants is more brothers and sisters to join Him in heaven. So, let’s go one step further this month by sharing Christ’s gift of eternal life with as many unbelievers as we can through secret gifts and notes.

Join us this season as we bless the heart of Christ by giving Him our very best and serving others. Below are 7 ways to honor our Lord as we celebrate the time of year that celebrates his birth:
Secretly send a note and/or gift to an unbeliever to point him/her to Christ and share how great He is!
Secretly give to the Lord a significant hurt that has kept you from getting closer to Him, family members or fellowshipping with His people.
Have a birthday party for Jesus, collect gifts and secretly give them to a needy family.
Spend some quality time with Jesus and secretly write Him a note telling Him how you feel about Him. Write it down, wrap it up, and give it to Him by putting it under your Christmas tree!
Attend Christmas Eve Service alone or with family or friends.
Secretly and humbly rededicate yourself to serving Christ and others in the coming year.
Sit alone for at least 30 minutes on December 25th and spend it in quiet time with Jesus thanking him for what he has done in your life.

In all of our hustle and bustle this holiday season, let’s not forget that Jesus Is the Reason for the Season!
