“When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome. “
Wilma Rudolph
Summer has always been my favorite time of year. I have fond memories of summers on the beach or in the mountains. Those cherished memories are etched in my mind forever.

Summer begins today, the longest day of the year. In the northern hemisphere, the June Solstice
(aka Summer Solstice) occurs when the sun travels along its northernmost path in the sky. This marks the astronomical start of summer in the northern half of the globe.

There’s always fun things to do in the summer, whether it's spent reading a good book on the beach or by the pool, grilling some burgers, the important thing is that we celebrate the longest day of the year by doing things we enjoy.
Here are a few ways to celebrate Summer:
Go strawberry picking
Celebrate the first day of summer by eating the first strawberries on top of ice cream!
Have an outdoor movie night
Spread out a blanket on your lawn, bring some popcorn and pick out a few of your favorite movies and enjoy the warm temps of the evening watching some of your favorite movies.
Create a sidewalk mural
Turn a stretch of sidewalk—or even a concrete wall—into a chalk-drawn
Masterpiece of summer. The ideas are endless!
Schedule "Books and Cones" Dates
Most libraries offer reading programs during the summer break. Go to the library each week and stop for ice cream after each visit.
“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”
Celia Thaxter.

Written and Submitted by GSS Agent#3013
Works Cited:
Keep inSpiring quotes about summer
Almanac .com
National Day Calendar