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Feeding the Body and Soul

Jesus fed five thousand men on one occasion and four thousand men, as well as thousands of women and children in the Bible with five loaves and two fishes. His ministry continues today through the ministry of believers, like GSS Agents and others who are called to help feed the hungry as if they’re feeding Jesus (Matt. 25).

Gospel For Asia, a group that mostly minister to the needy internationally, also seeks to be a light to communities in the US through an organization called Bread for the Hungry. The man who started the ministry felt “The Lord called him to feed the hungry in this area, so he left his job and started Bread for the Hungry.” The group does four weekly food distributions in various communities around the Wills Point and Tyler, Texas areas.

One of the places that Bread for the Hungry works is Rolling Oaks. Rolling Oaks is one of the neediest places in the East Texas. I’ve visited the area as part of the team with Gospel For Asia and it’s a pretty dark place, where most of the people are poor. The first time Gospel For Asia went to Rolling Oaks in connection with Bread for the Hungry last October, they brought 600 pairs of socks to hand out to the people there while they were distributing food. The volunteers also asked if there was anything that they could pray about for each person individually as they helped with their physical needs.

A team from Gospel for Asia also went back again during the Christmas holidays to minister to those in need. According to one volunteer, “the week before Christmas, we were able to do a Christmas outreach where we brought hot chocolate to those in the line, as well as had our prayer team solicit prayer requests from and prayed for people who came.”

From that time forward, Gospel For Asia decided to go to Rolling Oaks every other month or so to help with Bread for the Hungry's effort to help feed and minister to the hungry in the community. A simple act of bringing socks or hot chocolate, as well as prayer, are simple ways of meeting holistic needs of people who are often forgotten by our society. As Christians or people who are interested in spreading kindness in the world, we can meet even the most simple and basic of human needs if we observe what’s happening around us and determine in our hearts to help wherever or however we can. It doesn’t take a lot for us to change somebody’s life.

As GSSA transitions from its focus on aiding the Homeless this month to meeting other needs next month, we encourage you to continue your efforts to help others openly or secretly/anonymously as GSS Agents, without expecting anything in return.

“We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing;

We are the sermons the world is heeding.” - Billy Graham

Written and Submitted by GSS Agent #179

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