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February Secret Service Mission Focus: Our BFFs

GSSA’s February 2022 secret missions will focus on people outside of our families that are closest to us, our FRIENDS. They are the ones who love us and put up with us even though they don’t have to. They greatly enrich our lives. What would we do without them? Our lives would be awfully lonely and empty without them. They are our sisters and brothers from another mother that God miraculously brought into our lives. These are people that we choose to take into our hearts and who encourage and support us on our journey through this life.

They know all about our flaws and still love us anyway. Most of us are blessed with a few good ones, whose advice and support has seen us through some of the happiest and saddest times of our lives. It doesn’t matter that I live more than 1,500 miles from some of my best friends. Whenever we do get together it’s as if no time has passed and we pick up right where we left off. No matter the physical distance between us, we always have each other’s back.

True friends are rare. When we find one, we hold on for dear life. We agree with John Katz that “friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together.” People without good friends are often lonely, depressed, experience health and addiction issues and are less likely to see the good in people and the world around them. Charles R. Swindoll said it best when he stated, “ I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.”

Life can get busy and sometimes we take our BFFs for granted, falsely believing that they will always be there. But if we don’t nurture these relationships, like any other living thing, they often fade away or even die. So, let’s show some extra love to these invaluable people in our lives this month by coming up with creative ways to secretly bless their socks off! Below are a few ways to secretly show them some love this month:

  • Secretly send a note of encouragement to a friend highlighting their best attributes and talents.

  • Secretly purchase and name a star in the sky from a star registry to honor a special friend or significant other.

  • Secretly give/send a book, CD or a gift card to a friend that is ill or struggling with a major life issue.

  • Secretly play cupid/matchmaker by inviting single friends to dinner, party or other event.

Muhammad Ali says it best when he stated that “friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.”


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