“ A single act of kindness throws its roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. " Amelia Earhart
GSSA encourages everyone to perform small acts of kindness this week to others and bring goodness into the world. Random Acts of Kindness Week has its origins in the 1980’s. Ann Herbert coined the phrase “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” in 1982.
Some people have taken this philosophy seriously and now there’s a whole week dedicated to spreading random acts of kindness throughout humanity.

Why is being kind so important?
Kindness is one of the most valuable qualities a person can have. In showing kindness to others, brings a feeling of connection and worth.
“Kindness is a rewarding experience for both the giver and the receiver. For the giver, performing a kind act can boost their mood, increase feelings of empathy and gratitude, and even improve their physical health. For the receiver, a small act of kindness can brighten their day, make them feel valued, and remind them that there is still good in the world.”
Research has shown encouraging children to be kind can aid their learning. “A 2021 study by the Society for Research in Child Development proved that children who showed high levels of ‘prosocial behavior’ (demonstrating kindness and empathy towards others), performed better on academic tests, regardless of their socioeconomic background.”

Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week
Smile at, or say hello to a stranger.
Hold the door open for somebody.
Pay for the next person in line’s coffee or snack.
Donate your time to volunteer efforts.
Help out an elderly neighbor or relative with their groceries.
Donate old clothing, or canned food, to those who need it most.

Kindness and its Benefits
Fuels personal energy and self-esteem
Makes you happier.
Good for your heart.
Helps you live longer.
Decreases the harmful chemicals in your body
Written and Submitted by GSS Agent#3013
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